BREAKING NEWS:October 17, 2011: #OccupyPittsburgh - Paradise Gray (X-Clan Founder) leads livestream viewers around camp. - Still in need of supplies. - batteries, generators, food, water, warm clothing. -- #OccupySF - Occupiers celebrate as the police go home from early this morning after they attacked the camp. - Number of Occupiers grow after the attack. -- #OpCashBack - Today started the second part of the revolution. - We are asking you to close your bank account, and open a new one at a credit union. -- Report breaking news to our twitter account @AnonPittsburgh.....

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dear Pittsburgh, here is a letter from Anonymous.

Hello ,

We are Anonymous. We call upon you for your support in our fight for our freedom of speech, and our fight against school budget cuts and reining in of gas drilling. Our voices must be heard. 

Our government focuses more on what is going on overseas and not whats happening to the people in their own country. It is time we stand up and with your help we will be recognized. With strength in numbers and a unified front a positive change will be made.

In an attempt to change the status quo we elected Gov. Tom Corbett. Once we got past the fancy campaign buzzthe true agenda became apparent. Our States government justifies an attack on the middle class, removing more money from an already failing school system and enlarging already bloated class sizes. All the while corporate interests are secured in the name of tax breaks. According to the Post Gazette: Corbett refuses to tax the Natural Gas industrial complex yet says our state needs to be fiscally responsible. There is also the issue of those jobs that were promised but yet to be delivered. In February 2011, Corbett repealed a four month old policy regulating natural gas drilling in park land, deeming it "unnecessary and redundant". The Pennsylvania Democratic Party called the repeal a "payoff" to oil and gas interests which donated a million dollars to Corbett's campaign.  In April 2011, Corbett proposed that colleges in the state offset budget cuts to education by drilling for natural gas on campus and keeping the revenue.

These issues that plague our state are not even the worst thing going on. We have a president who rode the wave of change into office and seems to have gotten stuck, beached on the same policies he was supposed to change. We are left with only ourselves for hope. It is time to repeal the Patriot Act, allow the Bush era tax cuts to expire and overhaul the tax codes. Our foreign policy is a mess and the domestic is no better off. The great republican hope the "Tea Party" only reinforces religious values and bigotry that furthers the degradation of civil rights. We the people have no one left to turn to. There will be no knights in shining armor riding a noble steed to save us. This is the time of the people. There is a global uprising. Failed economics and politics can no longer sustain us.

Join us, no matter your age, economic status or ethnicity. Together, we can and will make a difference. You are not alone. Together, your voice will be heard.

We are Anonymous
We are Legion.
We are Pittsburgh
We do not forgive "governing for profit."
We do not forget "the bloodshed and domination of innocent people, and innocent countries".
"You are damn right that Pittsburgh along with the world should know to: "Expect Us."

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